On June 6, 1944, the beaches of Normandy witnessed a historic turning point in World War II.

The Allied forces, in an epic display of bravery and strategic prowess, launched an assault that would change the course of history.

New Finish, Inc. stands on the front lines of a different battle—one against the relentless forces of time, wear, and environmental damage.

At New Finish, Inc., we provide heavy-duty industrial coating solutions designed to withstand the toughest conditions, much like the resilient soldiers who faced the formidable defenses of Normandy. Our coatings serve as a robust shield, protecting valuable assets from the harsh elements and ensuring their longevity and reliability.

Imagine the industrial landscape as a battlefield. Machinery, structures, and equipment are the soldiers that must endure constant assault from corrosion, abrasion, and weathering. Without the right protection, these vital components would quickly succumb to the ravages of time. This is where New Finish, Inc. steps in, offering a line of coatings that provide unmatched defense, akin to the strategic fortifications used during D-Day.

Our Class A finishes are the equivalent of the meticulously planned and executed maneuvers that led to the success of Operation Overlord. Each layer of our coating is carefully formulated and applied to ensure maximum durability and efficiency. This attention to detail and commitment to excellence mirrors the precision and dedication of the Allied forces.

Serving North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, New Finish, Inc. is committed to safeguarding the infrastructure and equipment that drive our industries. Our solutions are engineered to perform under the most demanding conditions.

Just as the soldiers on D-Day needed robust equipment and strategic planning to achieve their objectives, industrial assets require the utmost protection to maintain their functionality and value. Our coatings are designed to provide this essential protection, ensuring that your investments remain operational and efficient for years to come.

The parallels between the determination and resilience demonstrated on June 6, 1944, and the durability and strength of New Finish, Inc.’s industrial coatings are clear. Both are testaments to the power of preparation, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence. As we honor the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on D-Day, we also take pride in our role in protecting the vital components of modern industry.

New Finish provides Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC), heavy duty coatings used primarily on military vehicles and equipment. CARC coatings are designed to provide protection against chemical and biological agents, as well as to make decontamination easier. These coatings are commonly used on military vehicles, aircraft, equipment, and structures to minimize the effects of exposure to hazardous substances and to facilitate rapid cleaning and decontamination.

At New Finish, Inc., we understand the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of your industrial assets. Our comprehensive range of coating solutions is designed to provide superior protection. With our expertise and dedication, you can trust that your equipment and infrastructure will stand the test of time, ready to face any challenge that comes their way.

We would like to take a moment to thank and honor the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers at Normandy. Their courage and resilience paved the way for a better future for the world, and it is with deep respect that we remember their contribution to history.

For more information about our services and how we can help protect your industrial assets, contact us today. Together, we can fortify your future. Contact New Finish Inc., today for more information about our heavy duty coating services.

More Information: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/topics/d-day-and-normandy-campaign

#IndustrialCoatings #HeavyDutyProtection #ClassAFinish #NewFinishInc #ProtectYourAssets #NormandyAnalogy #IndustrialStrength #ServingNC #ServingSC #ServingVA #Durability #Resilience