At New Finish Inc., we specialize in delivering high quality liquid coating solutions for various industries.

Our commitment to quality, coupled with our ISO certification and Class A finish, ensures that we meet the rigorous standards required for military parts.

One of the key elements of our military coatings is the use of Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) paint, which provides unmatched protection and durability in the most demanding environments.

What is CARC Paint?

CARC paint is a specialized coating used extensively in military applications. It is designed to withstand exposure to chemical agents and decontamination solutions while providing a tough, durable finish that can endure harsh operational conditions. CARC coatings are essential for military vehicles, equipment, and facilities as they offer the following benefits:

  • Chemical Resistance: CARC paint can resist penetration by chemical agents, making it crucial for military equipment that may be exposed to such threats.
  • Durability: It provides a hard, resilient surface that protects against abrasion, corrosion, and the impacts of harsh environments.
  • Camouflage: CARC coatings are available in a range of colors that help vehicles and equipment blend into various operational environments, enhancing tactical advantage.

Our Liquid Coating Process for Military Parts

At New Finish Inc., we follow a meticulous process to ensure that our liquid coatings, including CARC paint, meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

  1. Surface Preparation:
    • Proper surface preparation is the foundation of a successful coating application. For military parts, this involves thorough cleaning and abrasive blasting to remove any contaminants, rust, or old coatings. This step is critical to ensure that the CARC paint adheres properly and provides maximum protection.
  2. Priming:
    • After surface preparation, we apply a high-quality primer. The primer acts as a bonding agent between the substrate and the topcoat, enhancing adhesion and overall durability. For military applications, we use primers that are specifically formulated to work with CARC systems.
  3. Coating Application:
    • The CARC paint is then applied using advanced spraying techniques. Our skilled technicians ensure that the coating is applied evenly and with the correct thickness to provide optimal protection. We follow strict application guidelines to meet military specifications.
  4. Curing:
    • Proper curing is essential to achieving the desired properties of CARC paint. Depending on the specific product used, curing can involve air drying or baking in a controlled environment. This step ensures that the coating reaches its full hardness and chemical resistance.
  5. Inspection and Quality Control:
    • Each coated part undergoes rigorous inspection and testing to ensure compliance with military standards. We use advanced testing methods to check for adhesion, thickness, and overall finish quality. Our ISO-certified processes guarantee that every part meets the required specifications.

Applications of CARC Paint

CARC paint is used across a wide range of military applications, including:

  • Vehicles: Tanks, armored personnel carriers, and other military vehicles are coated with CARC to protect against chemical threats and enhance camouflage.
  • Equipment: Military tools, machinery, and communication devices benefit from the durability and chemical resistance of CARC coatings.
  • Facilities: Structures and shelters in military installations use CARC coatings to withstand harsh environmental conditions and potential chemical exposure.

Why Choose New Finish Inc.?

Choosing New Finish Inc. for your military coating needs ensures that you receive the highest quality and performance. Our expertise in liquid coatings and CARC paint, combined with our commitment to excellence, makes us a trusted partner for military applications. We understand the critical importance of durability, protection, and compliance in military coatings and are dedicated to delivering solutions that meet and exceed these demands.

At New Finish Inc., our liquid coating solutions, featuring CARC paint for military parts, exemplify our commitment to quality and performance. Our ISO certification and Class A finish ensure that we deliver coatings that meet the stringent requirements of military applications.

Contact us today to learn more about how our advanced coating solutions can protect and enhance your military equipment.

#NewFinishInc #LiquidCoatings #MilitaryCoatings #CARCPaint #ClassAFinish #ISOCertified #SurfacePreparation #Priming #CoatingApplication #Durability #ChemicalResistance #Camouflage #HighQualityCoatings #DefenseIndustry #ProtectiveCoatings #NC #SC #VA