At New Finish Inc., we take pride in our commitment to excellence in industrial coatings, catering to esteemed clients like United Brass Works, renowned for their high-quality industrial valves.

Our partnership with United Brass Works underscores our dedication to enhancing the performance and durability of their products through advanced coating solutions.

United Brass Works manufactures industrial valves designed for a wide range of applications, where reliability and longevity are paramount. Our specialized coatings play a crucial role in ensuring these valves meet and exceed industry standards. We offer a variety of coatings tailored to enhance corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and overall performance:

  1. Corrosion-Resistant Coatings: In harsh industrial environments, corrosion can significantly impact equipment longevity. Our corrosion-resistant coatings provide a robust barrier against corrosive elements, extending the lifespan of United Brass Works valves and maintaining operational integrity.
  2. Wear-Resistant Coatings: Valves in industrial settings are subject to abrasive wear from particles and fluids. Our wear-resistant coatings mitigate wear and friction, thereby reducing maintenance costs and downtime while optimizing performance.
  3. High-Temperature Coatings: For applications involving high temperatures, such as steam or chemical processing, our high-temperature coatings offer thermal insulation and protection against heat-induced degradation, ensuring sustained performance under extreme conditions.
  4. Customized Coating Solutions: Understanding the unique requirements of United Brass Works, we provide customized coating solutions that address specific challenges, whether it’s chemical resistance, UV stability, or adherence to regulatory standards.

Our partnership with United Brass Works exemplifies our capability to deliver coatings that not only meet but exceed expectations, contributing to enhanced product reliability and customer satisfaction.

Industrial Coatings for Automotive and Truck Chassis

In addition to serving industrial manufacturers like United Brass Works, New Finish, Inc. also specializes in coatings for automotive and truck chassis. The chassis of vehicles face diverse environmental challenges, from road salts to gravel impacts, necessitating coatings that offer superior protection and durability.

  1. Epoxy Primers: Applied as a base coat, epoxy primers provide excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance, preventing rust formation and enhancing the lifespan of automotive and truck chassis.
  2. Polyurethane Coatings: Known for their toughness and abrasion resistance, polyurethane coatings are ideal for applications where durability and aesthetics are equally important. They offer UV resistance and color retention, maintaining the appearance of chassis components over time.
  3. Powder Coatings: Environmentally friendly and highly durable, powder coatings provide a smooth finish with excellent impact resistance. They are suitable for both aesthetic enhancement and functional protection of automotive and truck chassis.
  4. Ceramic Coatings: For high-performance vehicles or those subjected to extreme conditions, ceramic coatings offer thermal insulation and resistance to chemical exposure, contributing to improved engine efficiency and longevity.

By leveraging these advanced coatings, New Finish, Inc. ensures that automotive and truck chassis not only withstand environmental stressors but also maintain their structural integrity and appearance, enhancing overall vehicle performance and value.

At New Finish, Inc., we are committed to delivering cutting-edge coating solutions that empower industries like United Brass Works and automotive manufacturers to achieve unparalleled performance and durability. Whether protecting industrial valves from corrosive environments or enhancing the resilience of vehicle chassis, our coatings are designed to exceed expectations.

For industrial and commercial coating services in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, trust New Finish, Inc. to provide reliable solutions tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today for more information about our industrial and commercial coating services.


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